Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hair Growth Progress: Update

It's been a while since I've posted photos of my hair growth progress so here are a few that I have taken over the past four months.  With the help of my homemade buttercream, protective styling (aka, my Aunt Jemima hair net and head band hair style aka laziness), this is where I'm at!
One thing that I had to do in this process is stop following all of the suggestions of so-called experts out there with regard to the care of my hair in it natural state. I've been natural since way before it was cool and in the process of ingesting so much more information from various sources, I started to become overwhelmed and paranoid about what I should and shouldn't be doing.  With the exception of the few months right after my son was born, I have always had a whole lotta hair!  And I had no problem growing it either.  Since my high school years I was always cutting it to chin length for some reason, but I always knew it would grow fast because I was always cutting it. Now I want to go a different route, grow it out and just be.  If the earlier photos of my journey this year is review, from back in May when I chopped it OFF, one can see that I have definitely come a long way in the past seven months!

Pics from the earlier part of my hair journey this year (May/ June comparison):
Next up, I have to start adding pics of styles I create.

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