Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Homemade Facial Scrub Recipe

Here's a quick recipe that I've been making for a couple months now. It clears my skin better than any store bought medicated cream (which kinda pisses me off if you think about all of the money I've spent over the past 20 years of fighting acne).

  • water
  • niacin (antioxidant that helps fight acne, inflammation, sagging skin, and dull skin tone)
  • aspirin (salicylic acid )

  • saucepan
  • tea cup
  • spoon
  • generic condiment container
NOTE: Do not use this recipe if you are allergic to aspirin. Even though you're not swallowing an aspirin in this case, aspirin still gets into your blood stream while using it as a topical treatment.

For this recipe we will concentrate on creating enough scrub to fill a small condiment container (I purchased a set of 10 from my local Deals store, but you can use anything that has a cover to store the scrub)

Bring a few ounces of water to a boil in a saucepan.

Crush 5 Niacin and 3-4 Aspirin pills in a mortar and place in tea cup.

Add a little bit of the boiling water to the crushed pills and start stirring.

When the water is first added, it should be of a loose, soupy consistency. Keep stirring and it will get thicker. I prefer to get it to the consistency of snot (sorry, there's no pretty word for snot).

Store the finished product in a small, generic condiment container.

Cover and use at will. Note that not only do I and my son (who is starting to go through puberty) use this as a scrub, we also use this as an overnight spot treatment. This mixture can wipe out the most serious of pimples in 2-3 days, and fades scarring better than any over the counter product that I have every purchased.

Next up, I'm going to change up the recipe a bit by adding MSM and aloe juice. Stay tuned.

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